ಸಾಂ ಪಾವ್ಲ್ ಫಿರ್ಗಜ್ ದೇಲಂತಬೆಟ್ಟು
St Paul Church Delanthabettu
Delanthabettu Parish
Parish Histroy
Delanthabettu in Kanyana village serves as the substation for the rural parish of Our lady of Dolours Church in Vittal, within the Mangalore Diocese.Located 10km from Vittal church and 55 km from mangalore city,the diocese of Mangalore.
The Parish community led by Rev.Fr Peter Serravo in 2006 , constructed a St Paul chapel to meet the spiritual needs of Catholic christian families.Due to its limited size a project was initiated by Fr Peter Serravo and the Parish council to build a new church.On June 28,2008 the Foundation stone was blessed and laid by V.Rev.Fr Denis Moras vicar General of the Diocese of Mangalore.After nearly 9 years most Rev.Dr.Bp Aloysius Paul D'souza blessed and inaugurated the new St Paul church on December 18 , 2017.
Parish Priest Message
Rev.Fr.Sunil Praveen Pinto
Parish Priest